50 Autumn Rituals
Autumn invites us to slow down, embrace change, and revel in the beauty of nature's transition. As the days grow shorter and the air crisper, it's the perfect time to engage in rituals and activities that celebrate the season's essence.
Seasonal Living
By tuning into the natural rhythms of the seasons, we can create a more harmonious existence. Learn practical tips for each season and start living a more balanced, stress-free life today.
The Perfect Seasonal Rituals
In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the art of creating seasonal bucket lists, filled with activities, food, rituals, and lifestyle tips that will inspire you to live more fully in harmony with the seasons. Let’s embark on this journey together, finding joy and balance in every season of the year.
Cycle Syncing Grocery List
4 Weekly Grocery Lists for Each Phase of your Cycle. Cycle syncing is all about eating the right foods at the right time to support your body’s changing needs. To make this easy, I've put together a weekly grocery list for each phase of your cycle.
12 Seasonal Foods Around the World
There’s something truly special about savouring fruits and vegetables at their peak. Seasonal eating connects us to the rhythms of the earth, and when paired with travel, it opens up a whole new way to experience different cultures.
Heal your PMS and Hormonal Imbalances with a Holistic Approach
Experiencing PMS and hormonal imbalances can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you've tried various remedies, yet you still experience PMS symptoms and hormonal imbalances. From personal experience, I know that cycle syncing methods won’t be effective until you tackle the root causes of your hormonal imbalances and the disruptions in your body and life.
When nothing else works. Healing Hormone Imbalances
Have you tried everything to ease your PMS, but nothing seems to work? You’ve tried adjusting your diet, Cycle Syncing, and sticking to routines, yet you still experience PMS symptoms and hormonal imbalances. There may be a deeper emotional root cause at play that you haven't considered.
Top 7 Places for Slow Travels
Slow travel is all about immersing yourself in a destination, taking the time to connect with local culture, savouring the moments, and truly living in the present. It’s the perfect antidote for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle and embrace a more mindful, intentional way of living.
Inner Child Healing: Become your most Authentic Self
Many of us carry unresolved pain from our childhoods, whether it stems from overt trauma or more subtle forms of neglect and emotional unmet needs. These unresolved issues can manifest in our adult lives as anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and self-sabotaging behaviours. Inner child healing helps us come back to our most free, authentic, and vibrant self.
11 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser
The constant pressure to not upset others can cause fatigue and burnout. In relationships, it often results in unbalanced dynamics where your needs are consistently sidelined. Explore 11 practical and empowering ways to stop being a people pleaser to help you live a more fulfilled, balanced, and happy life.
Intuitive Living: Trust your Gut, Follow Your Heart
Learn to connect with and trust your intuition for a stress-free, happy, and fulfilling life. Create a life that is aligned with your true, most authentic self. Follow your heart with practical tips and insights.
How to Nourish Your Nervous System
Reset and nurture your nervous system, so you can feel more relaxed, centred, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way. Learn how lifestyle changes, food, mindfulness, and self-care routines can help you achieve a balanced and healthy nervous system.
Cycle Syncing 101: Align Your Lifestyle with Your Menstrual Cycle
The last phase of the cycle is a time of introspection and preparation. This phase can be a time of incredible growth, self-care, and reflection if you know how to navigate it. Learn more about how to make the most of your inner autumn.
Inner Autumn: A Guide to the Luteal Phase
The last phase of the cycle is a time of introspection and preparation. This phase can be a time of incredible growth, self-care, and reflection if you know how to navigate it. Learn more about how to make the most of your inner autumn.
Inner Winter: A Guide to the Menstrual Phase
The first phase of the cycle is a time of rest and reflection. This phase can be a time of emotional and mental clarity if balanced. Learn more about how to make the most of your inner winter.
Inner Summer: A Guide to the Ovulation Phase
A time of energy, confidence and outward-focus. This phase often brings a desire to connect with others, making it a great time for social activities. Learn more about how to make the most of your inner summer.
Inner Spring: Flowing with the Follicular Phase
Living in sync with your cycle means embracing the unique energies of each phase. The second phase of the cycle is a time of renewal, energy, and growth, much like the spring season itself. Learn more about how to make the most of your inner spring
Cycle Syncing: Flowing with your Menstrual Cycle
Everything changed when I discovered the concept of cycle syncing, and let me tell you, it has been a game-changer. By living in sync with your cycle, you can better manage your energy levels, hunger, mood, and even productivity. I can't wait to share this journey with you.
31 ways to have a Soft Summer
31 ways you can soak up the season. If you’re craving a season filled with calm, joy, and connection, you're in the right place.
Embrace Soft Summer with Slow Living and Self-Care
Summer is here, and it's time to soak up the sunshine and warmth. Here’s how you can create your own soft summer, focusing on activities and self-care practices that will leave you feeling refreshed and blissful.